With the predicted rise in energy costs in 2024, combined with the urgency to promote sustainable practices, a high number of homeowners are looking for affordable and efficient ways of heating their homes.
The United States is experiencing a revolution in the manner in which homes are heated. With an increase in renewable energy connecting to the grid, more homeowners are installing solar panels and heat pumps. This has the effect of reducing the overdependence on power plants powered by gas, resulting in lower prices of energy.
By turning to renewable power, you are not just helping yourself; you are also helping everyone else and the planet. In 2024, as you look at the condition and age of your AC, think about upgrading to a more energy-efficient heat pump. To help you make this decision, learn why many homeowners are upgrading to heat pumps in 2024.
1. Efficient Cooling and Heating for the Price of One
Imagine an ultimate two-for-one deal that gets you heating your house during the winter and cooling it efficiently during the summer for the price of one. A heat pump is a single elegant appliance that works by moving hot air from your house in the summer to the outside. In winter, it pumps heat in from the outside to the house.
Do not worry about winter, as there is readily enough heat energy in the outdoor air, even on the chilliest nights in winter. This way, you can enjoy a warm, cozy house without burning fossil fuels. This is because there is no need to create new energy when the energy is already available in the air; it just needs to circulate between indoor and outdoor air to achieve the desired cooling and heating effect.
2. Save Money on Energy Bills
Recently, the cost of energy has skyrocketed in many households, making it an important factor to consider when installing a heat pump. Installation of an air-source heat pump as a replacement for the electric, LPG, or oil-powered boiler will result in a reduction in your energy bills.
An average homeowner will save hundreds of dollars annually by installing a heat pump, as the new system works by moving heat using energy as opposed to creating it from scratch. As such, it does not consume much energy to achieve the heating effect.
For homes that use electric resistance heat, propane, or fuel oil, it is estimated that they could even save over $1,000 annually.
3. Affordable with Heat Pump Discounts
While heat pumps are expensive to install, there are incentives to help you afford them. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a tax credit that covers $2,000, which is about 30% of the cost of initial installation. The law is even more generous for households under the 80% median area income. These homeowners will receive 100% of the upfront cost of installing the heat pumps.
There are a variety of other rebates that are offered to make the initial cost of the purchase and installation of heat pumps affordable. Though the project is pricey, it is not a preserve of the well-off. Talk to Bumble Breeze, we hold your hand and give you step-by-step instructions to learn about heat pumps. You can get personalized tips that will work for your home and guide you toward the ultimate money-saving investment. Our expert technicians will install and maintain your heat pumps to ensure we deliver on our promise. We also offer plumbing, indoor air quality, and HVAC services.
Contact Bumble Breeze today for more information.