When you think about the air conditioning in your home what do you think of? You probably think about the quality of your vents or the cleanliness of your outdoor unit. We want to bring your attention to your air conditioner filter though. Your air conditioner’s filter is one of those things that does affect the quality of your air conditioning system.
If you need great air conditioning in North Las Vegas, NV makes sure you come to our team of professionals. We’re a team that’s committed to providing Vegas area residents with the comfort that they need. We can help you get the air conditioning service that’s going to keep you cool in this Vegas heat. You Can’t Go Wrong With Vegas Strong!
Clearing Up Common Air Conditioner Filter Misconceptions
We’re going to get into why changing your air filter is so important down below, but we want to clear one major misconception about air filters up before we get into the details—your air conditioner’s filter doesn’t clean your air.
Yes, you read that correctly. Your home’s AC filter is in charge of keeping your air conditioner clean and free of debris. Its main job isn’t to keep your home’s air clean. We hear so many homeowners conflate the purpose of an indoor air quality filter and an air conditioner filter in their homes. We want to distinguish the two and underscore how each system is useful. Your air conditioner’s filter is vital for the overall comfort of your home. Make sure you’re minding yours regularly.
“How Often Should I Change My Filter?”
This is the question we hear most often when we’re talking to homeowners about their air conditioner filters. The answer is variable. When you need to change your filter depends on the:
- The type of AC system you have
- How often do you use your AC system
- The number of people occupying your home
You can come to the professionals on our team to get an answer tailored to the specific needs of your home, but the general answer is that you should change your home’s AC filter at least once a season or every three months. It doesn’t hurt to change the filter in your HVAC system a little more often during high-intensity times of the year like the peak of the summer or winter.
When in Doubt, Contact a Professional
So now you know the basics surrounding your home’s AC filter, but let’s say that you’re still not sure. If you’re still unsure of the best practices to employ for your air conditioning system, then it’s time to contact the professionals on our team. You can contact the professionals on our team today and know that you’re getting the type of service that’s going to take your home to that next level of comfort. You can trust our professionals to perform the work that you need.
Contact Bumble Breeze today to schedule an appointment with our team of professionals. We’ll make sure to get your home in great shape. Give us a buzz today!