Do you frequently have issues with the water pressure in your Las Vegas home? High pressure and low pressure are both common issues and can be quite frustrating. If you’re constantly having to deal with high water pressure, the best solution is to install a water pressure regulator. In this article, we’ll look at how the water pressure regulator works and the benefits it can provide. We’ll also discuss what can lead to low water pressure and what options you have for overcoming this issue as well.

How a Water Pressure Regulator Works

Municipal water mains typically have quite high pressure, which is necessary to ensure all buildings in the area always have sufficient pressure during times of peak water usage. The high pressure is also necessary to ensure the water can easily flow up hills. The concern, however, is that residential plumbing systems generally aren’t designed to handle the amount of pressure within a municipal water system. This is where a water pressure regulator or pressure-regulating valve comes in handy since it works to reduce the pressure of the water as it flows into the house.

When the valve is installed, it is set to a specific pressure—usually between 45 and 55 psi. It can then automatically respond to any changes in the pressure of the water coming into the house to ensure it always remains at whatever psi it’s set to. It does this by using a diaphragm that can expand and contract as needed. If the pressure in the house’s main water supply line increases, the diaphragm will immediately contract. This essentially chokes off some of the water flow so that the pressure decreases before the water flows out of the main line and into the rest of the house’s plumbing system.

If the pressure in the main line drops, the diaphragm can then expand to allow more water to flow so that the pressure within your plumbing system remains where it should be. The only time you would have any issues is if the pressure in the municipal main is much too low since the diaphragm can only expand so much. Luckily, this sort of issue is rare and something that will usually be resolved quickly.

Preventing Plumbing Leaks

One reason a water pressure regulator is so useful is that it helps protect the house’s plumbing system and reduces the chances of water line leaks. If the water pressure is often much above 60 psi, there’s a much greater chance of a pipe developing a leak. The reason is that high pressure leads to increased turbulence, especially in places where there’s an elbow in the pipe and the water must suddenly change direction.

There is always some turbulence in water lines that slowly leads to the inside of the pipes thinning, corroding and getting pitted. Nonetheless, these issues are usually quite minimal when the water pressure is at the correct level. When the pressure is much too high, these issues are greatly exacerbated and can eventually lead to the pipe developing a pinhole leak or cause elbows or pipe joints to come loose and start leaking.

Protecting the Life of Your Appliances

Another reason that a water pressure regulator is so beneficial is that it helps to protect the life of your dishwasher, washing machine and refrigerator to lessen the chances of you needing to get them repaired. When your water pressure is constantly too high, it often results in internal seals within these appliances wearing out more quickly, causing the appliance to start leaking. While a professional can sometimes fix this sort of issue and stop the leak, there are also times when the issue may not be fixable, and you’ll need to pay to replace the appliance.

Keeping Your Water Bills Lower

High water pressure also results in your water bills being higher than they should. Higher pressure results in a greater volume of water flowing out of your faucets and showers. In the US, the federal government mandates that new faucets must have a flow rate no higher than 2.2 gallons per minute and showers have a maximum flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute. These flow rates are based on a maximum of 60 psi. If your water pressure were instead around 80 psi, the flow rate could potentially be 1 or more gallons per minute higher than it should be. While this may not sound like much, it can add up considering how much you use your sinks and showers every month.

What to Do If Your Water Pressure Is Too Low

A water pressure regulator is merely designed to keep your water pressure consistent and ensure it’s never too high. That means it won’t do anything if your pressure is often or always too low. Part of the reason is that low pressure often results from issues within a house’s plumbing system, such as pipes that are partially choked off by corrosion or the build-up of mineral deposits.

Older homes sometimes also have an issue with their main water line not being sufficiently large to meet the household’s needs. In this case, you often end up with a substantial pressure drop when multiple fixtures are in use at the same time.

A poorly designed plumbing system can contribute to water pressure issues as well. Ideally, all the water lines in a house should run in straight lines and have as few changes of direction as possible. The more bends there are where the water must change direction, the slower the water will flow through the pipe and the lower the pressure at the fixture that the pipe feeds will be.

The first step in overcoming issues with poor water pressure is for a plumber to perform a complete inspection. This means checking to see what size the main water line is and using a camera to inspect the water lines for minerals and corrosion. While repiping some or all of a house or replacing the main water line are quite expensive projects, they are sometimes the only solution to ensure the house has sufficient pressure.

Another possible option in some cases is to add a pressure-boosting pump on the main line inside the house. This type of pump is usually quite effective if the water pressure is low because the water lines were not designed and installed efficiently. It can also help if your water lines are starting to get clogged with mineral deposits. However, it will only be a temporary solution in this case unless you install a water softener or water conditioner to prevent additional deposits from collecting within your pipes.

At Bumble Breeze, we’re dedicated to providing Las Vegas homeowners and businesses with effective plumbing and HVAC solutions at fair, affordable rates. If you frequently experience issues with the water pressure in your home or business, we have what it takes to help you effectively overcome them. Whether you’re looking to install a water pressure regulator or need HVAC or indoor air quality services, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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