Your water heater is one of the most important appliances in your home. One statistic that we always like to tell homeowners is this: your water heater accounts for nearly 17% of your home’s overall energy usage. This is a whopping statistic. This is more energy than most of your other appliances combined. This is why your water heater must be always ready, working, and efficient as well.
When you’re ready to invest in water heater service, just make sure that you don’t get stung by our competitors! We’ve got the worker bees that can do the best job for you. Inferior service will leave you with bad results. Get in touch with our professionals when you’re ready for water heater repair in Henderson, NV.
Do You Need Repair Work?
Getting the right water heater service starts with knowing what you need. If you’re experiencing any of the problems below, then it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our professionals.
Scalding Water
You hop in the shower with your handle turned over to a comfortable, warm setting, but when the water hits your skin it’s scalding. Scalding water can become a problem for your health. If you’re struggling with hot water, then make sure that you get in touch with us sooner than later.
Cold/ Lukewarm Water
Maybe you’re having the opposite problem as above—your water is far too cold. If this is the case, then you should schedule an appointment with our team members. You don’t have to learn to live with this.
Discolored Water
Your home’s water should just be clear. If you notice that your water is a dingy color, then you should schedule an appointment with us. You should always have clean, clear water. Don’t settle for anything less.
Hot Water Shortage
Do you plan to take a hot shower and hop into something more like an ice bath? This is a clear sign that your water heater needs help.
Do you notice odd rumbling noises whenever you walk by your home’s water heater? You shouldn’t notice this sound. Rumbling is a distinct sound of water heater trouble. It’s the sound of your water heater struggling to move past the built-up sediment in your home.
What Is a “Proper” Water Heater Service
We’ve talked a lot about getting proper water heater service, but what exactly makes the water heater service “proper?” In our opinion, the proper water heater is all professional. You need someone who has the right training, experience, and expertise. We’ve got all that here on our team.
Our technicians aren’t only trained, but they’re also kept on to date on all the latest improvements in the water heater industry. If there’s something new on the market, we know about it and we know how to work with it.
Our experience makes a difference as well. Our professionals know how to deal with homeowners just like you because we deal with homeowners just like you regularly. The bottom line is that we’re ready to work with you.
Give us a buzz! Bumble Breeze is available for your water heater service in Henderson, NV.